Film Editor


The task of the film editor is to create a coherent, original, and emotional artistic film experience, with a personal expression based on some conceptual and dramaturgical frameworks - as well as to be able to develop and collaborate with other filmmakers.

As a film editor at the National Film School of Denmark, you will be trained to have the overall responsibility for cutting image materials together for a story on film, series, or related media.

The Film School trains film editors who can organize this work and be artistically responsible for an editing process - as well as be able to oversee the artistic management of an editing team.

The programme is built around productions, subject-specific exercises, and joint teaching which complement each other. As a student, you participate in artistic and practical film projects in fiction, documentary, and animation.

In line with media development, which constantly brings new platforms, genres, formats, and forms of collaboration, the tasks of the film editor develop accordingly. Therefore, the programme also places particular emphasis on developing the student's knowledge, skills, and competencies for new work forms and formats.

After graduation, the student is qualified to work professionally as a film editor, creating artistic narratives in fiction, documentary, and animation for various formats and platforms.


The main elements of the programme are:

The subject-specific courses of the film editor programme are divided into semesters:

1st semester: Your artistic voice and editing methods
2nd semester: Collaboration and process methods on fiction
3rd semester: Collaboration and process methods on documentary
4th semester: Dramaturgy and structural methods
5th semester: Methods for editing large material
6th semester: Your voice in large material
7th and 8th semester: Your artistic specialization
