From Project Focus to Company Focus

Experience the pulse of innovation at the National Film School of Denmark with our immersive workshop crafted exclusively for film production professionals. From mastering the art of business pitching to demystifying equity investors' motivations, hands-on sessions and expert-led discussions will equip you with the tools to navigate today's dynamic audiovisual market. Join us to fast-track your business growth, network with peers, and future-proof your success!

Structured to fast-track producers’ business development, this two-day workshop addresses the challenges they are facing and the specific goals they are setting for themselves. Emphasis will be placed on engaging participating producers from the first minute. A hands-on approach is taken in five group work sessions, during which participants will work on individual printed paper copies of templates and canvases to fast forward their business development and strategic plans.

Each of these sessions starts with short introductions on what to accomplish and how to use the templates. The teacher will assist participants in their work and provide individual feedback within the group when participants present their respective results, ideas, and plans after each group work module.

On the second day of the programme, discussions will focus on equity investors’ motivations, expectations, and considerations when meeting audiovisual professionals who are seeking company investment. Private capital, the way investors think, and the basis of their investment decisions will be demystified.


Day 1:

October 9, 09:00 – 17:00

Morning session
  • Welcome and Introductions
  • The Process: Introduction to the Method and Materials for the 2-Day Workshop
  • Plenary: The Audiovisual Ecosystem in Transition
  • European Green Deal, EC Media Action Plan, UN Sustainable Development Goals and their impact on the AV sector
  • Finding your role in a content economy: AI vs human creativity, film vs content, funding institutions vs streaming platforms (pros & cons)
Coffee Break
Workshop 1: Mission Statement
  • Intro Plenary: The foundation of your innovative power
  • Group work: Crafting and presenting your Mission Statements with feedback
Workshop 2: What’s your USP? Part 1
  • Intro Plenary: Your unique selling proposition as the engine of change
  • Group work
Lunch break
Workshop 2: What’s your USP? Part 2

Presentation and feedback on USPs.

Workshop 3: Value Creation Map Part 1
  • Intro Plenary: Working with the value creation canvas
  • Defining your audience and their needs
Coffee Break
Workshop 4: Value Creation Map Part 2
  • Problem-solution fit: Addressing customer needs and problems.
  • Highlighting your product/service's performance features.
  • Presentation and feedback on problem-solution fit.
Checkout: Sharing experiences and learnings

Day 2:

October 10, 09:00 – 17:00

Workshop 5: Planning a Sustainable Business - Lean Business Model Canvas
  • Introduction and Instructions
  • Q&A
Workshop 5: Lean Business Model Canvas Part 1

Group work: Creating the Lean Canvas with tutor support.

Coffee Break
Workshop 5: Lean Business Model Canvas Part 2

Presentation and feedback on Lean Canvas.

Lunch Break
Plenary: Seeking Investment for your Company
  • Equity Financing: Understanding equity investors
  • Key information for investors
  • Common reasons for startup failure
  • Risk considerations
  • Investment sources
  • Types of European investors
  • Investment stages, amounts, benefits, and risks
Coffee Break
Plenary: The Business Pitch
  • Structure and logic of a business pitch
  • Essential information for the pitch deck
  • Dos and Don’ts
  • Q&A
Checkout: Sharing experiences and learnings

What will you learn?

At the end of the workshop, participants will have learned how to use and continue using business development processes and tools to future-proof their business in times of utmost uncertainty. They will also have been introduced to the art of business pitching and understand why this form of presentation is very different from creative pitches.

Who should attend?

This workshop is designed for film production professionals who either already run their own business or might consider building their company. Participants of the programme do not need to prepare anything beforehand, as the goal of the course is to support participants in thriving in a rapidly changing business ecosystem.

For further information, contact

Ene Rasmussen.jpeg
Ene Katrine RasmussenBranche- og efteruddannelseschef20 47 02
