Enjoy the Journey – Mental Wellbeing as Key to a Sustainable Life in Film

It's already been five years since The Looking Glass study declared a full-blown crisis in the UK film industry, sending ripples worldwide. Since then, we've learned more about the widespread mental health consequences of film work, with statistics emphasizing that the problem is bigger than the individual. But have we really made progress as an industry since the study was launched? Are Danish filmmakers able to relate to international research, and can we, in light of this, better understand our own collective challenges?

Mental well-being and mental health are critical for anyone wishing to build a socially sustainable career in the film industry over the long term. There’s much we can do for ourselves as individuals, but we must also not forget the working conditions we operate under. This seminar addresses both the individual and structural perspectives, focusing specifically on the benefits of a healthy workplace.

Leading international experts and filmmakers will join us on the day. Not only do they have experience in the film world, but they are pioneers in bridging the gap between the industry and mental health. Through keynotes, shorter presentations, and debates, we will take the next step in raising awareness on the issue and together explore new initiatives for improving well-being and mental health in the film industry.
The seminar is designed to be a space for inspiration, knowledge-sharing, constructive approaches, and a 'safe space' for film professionals.

Program: Tuesday, April 29, 2025 - 2:00 - 6:00 PM

14:00 Welcome

14:15 Keynote: Mental Fitness – The Leader in You, by Diego Hangartner – Pharm.D. / MCC Coach, Switzerland

15:15 Normalising Care in the Film Industry, by Rebecca Day – Psychotherapist, Film in Mind & DocuMentality, UK

15:45 Break

16:15 Behind the Scenes – Building Resilience & Improving Wellbeing in Film, by Valeria Bullo – Production Wellbeing & Inclusion Consultant, UK

17:15 Prioritizing Healthy Productions – Best Practices in Danish Films, with Producers Pernille Tornøe & Victor Rocha da Cunha, and Cinematographer Louise McLaughlin & Producer Jonas Frederiksen

18:00 End

The seminar will be conducted in English.

What will you learn?

At this seminar, you will learn about mental well-being and mental health in the film industry, and how it impacts our creativity and performance. You will gain insight into international research and initiatives at the intersection of film and TV production and mental health. There will also be opportunities for dialogue with other Danish filmmakers on the topic. The seminar aims to inspire, share best practices, build on existing knowledge, and, most importantly, facilitate a conversation about how we, as individuals in the industry, can work together to improve overall well-being.

Target audience

This seminar is for all film professionals: producers, line producers, directors, actors, distributors, film festivals, all those in managing and leadership positions, and anyone with an interest in the topic.


For further information, contact

Ene Rasmussen.jpeg
Ene Katrine RasmussenBranche- og efteruddannelseschef20 47 02 90ekr@filmskolen.dk
