Advanced VP for directors, photographers and production designers

Is your next film or TV series going to take place on a train, bus, or on the water? Then you might have considered the logistical challenges of such a story. This is where new film technologies like Virtual Production can be your creative and economic lifeline in a professional set-up.

In the course, we first go through basic Virtual Production or In-Camera VFX (ICVFX) and the creative possibilities it offers. We cover the process from script breakdown through content production to VP screens and studio setup with decorations and lighting. The course alternates between theory and hands-on practice in FilmGExR's studio in Skovlunde.

The course is for directors, cinematographers, and production designers who want to add virtual production to their toolkit. With a focus on In-Camera VFX (IC-VFX), participants will gain insight into how to use LED screens to create impressive visual effects directly in the camera. This can reduce the need for post-production and create a more believable environment for actors compared to using greenscreen.

Along with inspiring guest instructors, we will go through the process from script breakdown and content production to LED screens and studio setup with decorations and lighting. Here, participants will gain insight into the technical challenges, with a focus on creative solutions and possibilities.

This course is funded by The Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science.


9.–10. November: Theory, The National Film School of Denmark.

15.–17. November: Theory through practice, Filmgear (Mileparken 14. 2740 Skovlunde).

What will you learn?

The course includes a practical part where participants get to experiment with virtual production in a film production. This includes pre-visualization and virtual set design, as well as shooting on the LED stage at FilmGEAR. Participants will have the opportunity to try different types of scenes and virtual content, and experience the interaction between physical and virtual set design. Special emphasis is placed on the collaboration between lighting and cinematography to create an invisible use of virtual production in the final result. The look will have a cinematic quality.

The goal is for participants to leave the course with an advanced understanding of when it makes sense to use virtual production for fiction projects, and what it entails for the process.

Who should attend?

The course is designed for the creative Heads of Department (HODs) in feature films and TV dramas: Directors, cinematographers, and production designers.
It is important for all participants to have a Danish VAT number.

Application process

Photographers, production designers, and directors are welcome to apply together, but it is also possible to apply individually.
Please send a short motivated application, CV and VAT number to

For further information, contact

Ene Rasmussen.jpeg
Ene Katrine RasmussenBranche- og efteruddannelseschef20 47 02